Family, LIVE

Every Life Is Beautiful – October Baby


TODAY when most of the world will be clamoring to see the “next big movie series” based on popular books with a dark theme aimed at our young people another movie is released.  This one is life-affirming.  It teaches lessons about love, family, relationships, forgiveness, grace and healing.

October Baby is the story of Hannah, a young woman who has had health issues her entire life.  After an episode she learns her problems are linked to her unusual and complicated birth.  Hannah learns for the first time not only that she is adopted, but that she was born as the result of a failed adoption attempt.  This news leaves Hannah questioning…the love of her adoptive parents & her biological mother, her life, her purpose.  Movie goers join her on a journey to find answers.

The story is funny, and sad, and encouraging & thought-provoking.  While we often find ourselves setting aside less-than-stellar acting or production quality when viewing faith-based films, this one is top-notch.  The cinematography was beautiful and the acting believable.  October Baby has an expected rating of  PG-13 because of the themes explored.

Quotes About October Baby

“I laughed so hard and cried so hard, and healed. Thank you.”
Gianna Jessen, Abortion Survivor, National Speaker

“Like all well-crafted art, OCTOBER BABY powerfully stirs both the mind and the heart. The film explores some of life’s most difficult questions with a grace, humor, and wisdom that build ultimately to an unforgettable affirmation of life.”
Jedd Medefind, President, Christian Alliance for Orphans

and my favorite…

“Finally! A faith-based film that is accessible for believers AND unbelievers that is compelling, artistic, and extremely well done! I loved how this movie was very much pro life, yet it didn’t villainize any particular party. Everyone was broken and everyone needed a second chance. So true to life!”
Tauren Wells, lead singer for Royal Tailor

I love that last quote because it is definitely true about this movie.  No one is condemned in this story.  I believe it will bring healing to many women and men who have dealt with this tough issue.  When we pre-screened this movie we were blessed to see the following testimonial from the actress who plays the biological mother in October Baby.  I truly believe her involvement in this film was God-ordained.  Though I’ve never been in that character’s shoes, am a child who has never met one of my biological parents, AND am an adoptive parent I found my heart most broken and touched by the biological mother’s point of view.

PLEASE consider doing at least one of these things:

  • SEE October Baby, this weekend if you can! If you’ve read this blog I’ve shared the importance of ticket sales during opening weekend for faith-based, family-friendly films.  If we want them in our theaters as an option for our movie viewing, we need to support them opening weekend.  (That other movie will be fine until another time if you want to see it).
  • PRAY!!!  There are already critics and journalists who are spreading propaganda about this film.  There is an enemy who is not happy about the message of this film and does not want anyone to see it. I believe this movie can save lives, restore relationships and heal gaping wounds.  Please pray with me that it will be available to do so!
  • SHARE October Baby with your friends…you honestly never know who might need this film.  It might even be someone who sits next to you in church, or it might be you.

Have a beautiful weekend!

19 thoughts on “Every Life Is Beautiful – October Baby”

  1. Just shared your blog on my FB page. Got your link off Beki’s blog. Thanks for sharing. Our ladies are going to see the movie tomorrow but I can’t go, I have a family reunion. Can’t wait to see it. Crying just watching the review.


    1. Thanks so much, Karen! I hope you get to see it soon – take tissues, definitely…but you will also laugh a lot, so watch the beverages, too! ha ha


  2. Oh I’ve cried watching the trailers. Sadly, the movie is only in two theaters in my area, during very limited times, but I will find the time to see it.


  3. October Baby was absolutely wonderful! I am adopted and could relate to the feelings that Hannah had. Hers may have just been fictional but so real to me. It really hit home. Thank you so much for making this film. It definitely helped me and gave me a lot to think about!


  4. I just watched this movie and thankfully at home. I laughed and cried and cried some more. I feel any woman considering abortion should see this first. I pray it gives many hope,peace and closeure.


  5. Thank you so very much for making this special movie! The casting of characters was perfect!! Having seen the ugly sides of both adoption and abortion (not liking either in many ways) . . . Most importantly of all is that “EVERY child should be a WANTED child !!!” (no matter what choices have been made) !?!? Very touching ending and a wonderful depiction of the Forgiveness we All deserve! Being a parent is the most previous Gift God graces us with! Thank you. Amen

    Many Blessings back at you,
    Stef (was mother of 5, now of none)


  6. It is , and reminds me of my birth too. I was born october 6th , I didnt had the chance to see my parents ,


  7. Its truly inspiring. My heart totally felt the pain n love. I got the most beautiful msg…to forgive. I wish to heal students as a teacher. I wish to spread the love I have…


  8. I just watched this movie at home, cried, very touch feeling, great great great movie. Not much movie such as October Baby we could find, hope more and more filmmaker show a good story next.
    Jesus Bless all of us.


  9. I cry every time I watch it. Thank you to all who made this movie.

    I was born October 7th and was an unwanted baby through most of the pregnancy. I have wondered if my mother would have aborted me had it been legal back then. I have never doubted her love for me, but I felt like a burden rather than a gift. This movie helped me begin a healing process. I think my initial brain development was affected by my mother’s depression over me. In the depths of my spirit I have always felt unwanted, even by myself. I am in constant fear of rejection from others and daily fight my own rejection of myself.

    I love my mother and she loves me. I want to heal and I don’t want to blame. I would have probably felt the same way had I been in her shoes.

    The emotions of the girl and the love of her boyfriend mirror myself and my husband. I can’t tell you how hard I laughed at how she reacted emotionally and how he loved her anyway. The past few years have been very difficult in my marriage and I was ready to leave. This movie helped me to remember why I fell in love with him and softened my heart toward him again.


    1. Oh, I’m so glad you found the movie healing and encouraging! I pray for continued healing and strengthening of your relationships. God bless you and your family!


  10. A heart and soulsearching movie, where you learn how to forgive,how to love.I will share this movie to all my friends especially to those who are hurting,for them to find healing,strength and love. Thanks so much to all of you who created this movie.It greatly touched me and made a difference in my life,again ,Thank You.


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